Friday, November 21, 2008

New Pics!

We took our yearly family pictures today! Raulito was scared of the flash (this happened when we took him to get his year pictures) and hardly smiled at all. He mostly wanted to play with the props and the toys...We had a really good time, and, if we had had the money to spend, would have gotten a lot of pictures. But the cheapest package would have been $85 and it went up from there, so we didn't do it. We did get some really cute pictures, though. Enjoy! Tomamos nuestras fotos anuales de la familia hoy! A Raulito le asustaban las luces cada vez que tomaban una fotos (lo mismo paso cuando le tomamos las fotos del ano) y casi no sonreia. Solo queria jugar con los juguetes que tienen para hacerles reir a los ninos...Pero nos divertimos mucho y salieron unas fotos bien bonitas. Si tuvieramos el dinero que gastar, tendriamos muchas mas fotos que estas, pero no lo tenemos. (el paquete mas barato valdria unos 160.000 pesos, y de alli para arriba) Que disfruten las fotos!!! One of the only pictures where Raulito is smiling! Una de las unicas fotos con Raulito sonriendo!

Rakel the supermodel!

Neither one look like they're completely enjoying this hug, but we liked it...

No parecen disfrutar este abrazo, pero a nosotros nos gusto la foto...

Pictures of us playing around after the shoot.

Estas fotos son despues de la seccion professional.


Karla said...

These pictures are sooo cute! Your Family looks beautiful. I can't believe how big Raulito looks already.

The Sabeys said...

I love them! You have such a beautiful family. I love Rakel's hair.

The Snyder Family said...

Your pictures are so cute! I can't believe how fast little ones grow up! Rakels hair is so so cute!

The Abbott Family said...

Your children and family are beautiful!