Saturday, December 20, 2008
Late Happy Thanksgiving, early Merry Christmas!
Friday, November 21, 2008
New Pics!
Rakel the supermodel!
Neither one look like they're completely enjoying this hug, but we liked it...
No parecen disfrutar este abrazo, pero a nosotros nos gusto la foto...
Pictures of us playing around after the shoot.
Estas fotos son despues de la seccion professional.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
All Grown Up
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
A bit of Self-Control
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Birthday and Halloween!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Fall is here!
Rakel disfruto ayudarme con la maquina, y Raulito se porto bien, aunque por primera vez en su vida escogio ese dia para no tomar ninguna siesta...y averiguamos que le gusta comer la canela molida directamente del tarrito...y que eso causa un brote en la piel...Entonces gracias a Shanise por su ayuda!
In other news, Raulito likes to escape out the door whenever he gets a chance. Such was the case one Sunday morning... Do you like his tie??? It's one of Daddy's and the rest of it is tucked into his pants and could come out one of the legs...
En otras noticias, a Raulito le gusta escaparse por la puerta de la casa cuando pueda. Asi fue el caso un domingo por la manana...Te gusta su corbata??? Es del papa, y esta metida en su pantalon hasta su pie! We had a really good day yesterday (Friday). Raul has been bugging me to go up to Provo Canyon to see the autumn leaves. He finally convinced me. I was worried because it was only 40-something degrees outside in the valley, who knew if it wasn't snowing in the mountains... But we all went. We ended up at Sundance resort and decided to go ahead and pay the $16 to go up the ski lift and see the sights. It was worth it! We got to the top and then hiked up to the summit of the mountain (a STRAIGHT UP, 15 min climb). It was incredible! The only thing was that we lost one of the baby's shoes on the lift...and they were my favorites! We would have gone and tried to look for it, but there weren't any trails close to the lift at that point, and it was about half a mile up the mountain...Oh well...Enjoy the pictures! Tuvimos un dia muy bueno ayer (viernes). Raulito por fin me convencio a ir al canyon de Provo a ver los arboles y los colores del otono. Yo estaba un poco preocupada por el frio...pero de todos modos terminamos llendo a un lugar que se llama Sundance que en invierno es un resorte de esquiar. Asi que subimos a la maquina que sube a los esquiadores...aunque nos parecio costoso...hay que hacerlo una vez... Y valio la pena por las vistas! Fueron increibles! Llegamos al final y nos subimos hasta la cima del monte (una subida SUPER inclinada...) Pero otra vez, valio la pena! Lo unico malo es que se le cayo uno de los zapatos del bebe...Y era uno de mis favoritos...Lo ibamos a tratar de buscar despues, pero no habia camino hasta alli y fue como media milla arriba de donde empezamos..asi que no. Esta bien....Que disfrutes las fotos!! Notice the baby still has both shoes at this point... Date cuenta de que el bebe todavia tiene dos zapatos en este momento... He was so tired, he almost fell asleep on the table before we headed down again... Pobrecito, estaba tan cansado que casi se duerme en la mesa antes de bajarnos de nuevo... Don't look down! I normally wouldn't put pictures of me by myself, but I thought this one turned out pretty good! Normalmente no pondria fotos de mi sola, pero creo que esta salio muy buena... AWWWWW!!!