Saturday, December 20, 2008

Late Happy Thanksgiving, early Merry Christmas!

Things have been a bit crazy lately, and I missed blogging about Thanksgiving completely. So I thought I'd get a bit of a jumpstart on Christmas.... MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! We had a couple of Thanksgiving dinners, one with friends, and the other with family. We went up to Logan for Thanksgiving Day to hang out with family there. I have an aunt that lives there, and it is kind of a middle point between Provo and Twin Falls, Idaho, so that's where we ended up. We had a really nice meal, lots of food, and great company. We even brought some Christmas presents back from Grandma. We did the Black Friday thing, but not at 5 am. Raul has really been wanting a new tv (HDTV 40") and there were some pretty good deals that morning, but I really didn't want to deal with the hassle, and I enjoyed my nights sleep very much. We also decided it was really just a want, not a need, and think it can wait until next year. Since then I have started working at Golden Corral, just one or two days a week, and since Raul is home to watch the kids, I get a nice break and make some money at the same time. The people there are really nice, and I like interacting with the people who come in. Anyway, so Raul is done with finals, although he is still working on a project and his portfolio, so we won't have him completely to ourselves during the break. Hopefully in January we can start looking for internships or jobs after graduation in April (If anyone knows anywhere that needs an Industrial Designer, let us know!) This weekend has been a little bit different because we have a couple of extra kids staying with us. Our friends decided to go to Las Vegas (by themselves) and so here we are with double the fun. Their kids are just about the same ages as ours, so Rakel is having a great time. Raulito is working on sharing and being nice... He's also been working on that in the Nursery. He started his first week in Nursery last week, and he didn't do too bad, except when someone pulled his hair, and when everyone started leaving. We'll see. They have lots of cars and trucks to play with, and those are his favorite. Oh, and in the meantime, We were going shopping earlier this week and I ended up rear-ending the car in front of me. Of course, for some reason our coverage does not include collision, so we get to pay to fix it. Nice time to have a big bill, huh? It really could have been much worse, but it's still going to be almost $1000 to do the most basic parts (less than half as much as it would be to get everything fixed...). Anway, we're still planning on going up to Idaho for Christmas. Raul doesn't have to work on Christmas Eve (surprise!) so we might get to spend an extra day there. Then it's back to Provo to work and prepare for another semester. We hope everyone is doing well and has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Here's some pictures from the past few weeks. Enjoy!
Funny Story, he really did fall asleep like this! He was watching TV one minute and I looked over the next and he was asleep on the table! It was really funny!!!
Feeding the ducks at the Botany Pond at BYU
He now knows where his tongue is, and he was showing it off!
Rakel and some of her friends at the Ward Christmas party, waiting for Santa
The box is always the best toy! Although those packing peanuts are not so much fun to clean up...
Raulito at Thanksgiving, as always, working on homework...
The girls new favorite place to play...
One of Raulito's favorite toys.

Friday, November 21, 2008

New Pics!

We took our yearly family pictures today! Raulito was scared of the flash (this happened when we took him to get his year pictures) and hardly smiled at all. He mostly wanted to play with the props and the toys...We had a really good time, and, if we had had the money to spend, would have gotten a lot of pictures. But the cheapest package would have been $85 and it went up from there, so we didn't do it. We did get some really cute pictures, though. Enjoy! Tomamos nuestras fotos anuales de la familia hoy! A Raulito le asustaban las luces cada vez que tomaban una fotos (lo mismo paso cuando le tomamos las fotos del ano) y casi no sonreia. Solo queria jugar con los juguetes que tienen para hacerles reir a los ninos...Pero nos divertimos mucho y salieron unas fotos bien bonitas. Si tuvieramos el dinero que gastar, tendriamos muchas mas fotos que estas, pero no lo tenemos. (el paquete mas barato valdria unos 160.000 pesos, y de alli para arriba) Que disfruten las fotos!!! One of the only pictures where Raulito is smiling! Una de las unicas fotos con Raulito sonriendo!

Rakel the supermodel!

Neither one look like they're completely enjoying this hug, but we liked it...

No parecen disfrutar este abrazo, pero a nosotros nos gusto la foto...

Pictures of us playing around after the shoot.

Estas fotos son despues de la seccion professional.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

All Grown Up

Today was our Primary Program for our ward. At last year's program, Rakel just stood there and wouldn't say (or sing) anything. So I was a bit nervous this morning. But I guess I didn't have much to worry about, she did GREAT! She looked at her teacher instead of the audience, but she repeated the words loudly and clearly. It brought tears to my eyes. Of course, that had started when the primary president got up at the beginning of the program. And she sang just as well as the other kids. I was surprised at how well she knew some of the songs because we hadn't practiced them at home with her. Anyway, we are SO PROUD OF HER. She does seem to be coming out of her shell a little bit and showing her personality. And every time I stop to think, I think she's growing up so fast! She's not my baby any more! I think children are so special and they exemplify the qualities that we should all have. My kids are always reminding me of what I should be doing to follow Christ. I LOVE MY KIDS!
Hoy fue el programa de la primaria en nuestro barrio. En el programa del ano pasado, Rakel se quedo alli y no quiso decir (ni cantar) nada. Asi que esta manana estuve nerviosa. Pero parece que no tenia por que estar asi. Le fue SUPER BIEN!!! Miro a su maestra en vez de a la audiencia, pero dijo su parte muy bien. Me salieron lagrimas. (Por supuesto, ya habia empezado a llorar desde que hablo la presidente de la primaria al principio del programa...) Y Rakel canto tan bien como los otros ninos mas grandes. Me sorprendio de que bien sabia algunas de las canciones porque no las habiamos practicado en casa. Estamos muy orgullosos de ella. Parece que esta saliendo mas su personalididad. Cada vez que me pongo a pensar, pienso de lo rapido que esta creciendo! Ya no es mi bebe!
Pienso que los ninos son tan especiales que tienen las cualidades que todos nosotros debemos tener. Tienen espiritus tan lindos. Me recuerdan mucho de lo que debo estar haciendo para seguir a Jesucristo. AMO A MIS HIJOS!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008


For a while now, I have been on Facebook with my hubby, and sometimes he would be like, who is he/she? Because it was someone from Idaho, before we met. So he finally bugged me enough and I got my own account. (As if I needed more things online to take up my time...Oh well!) And I was so excited to find a bunch of people from Murtaugh (Idaho, where I grew up)! It's really cool to hear about people that you have no idea where they are or what they're doing. So to all of those who are reading this blog for the first time, welcome!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

A bit of Self-Control

Yesterday I decided that I was going to go the whole day without eating any candy, cookies, etc. Some of you probably know that it is one of my biggest weaknesses... I guess I just wanted to prove to myself (and my husband) that it was possible. AND I DID IT! And it wasn't as hard as I thought. No, I'm not going on a diet or anything, but I think it's really hard especially this time of year to stay out of all of that Halloween candy and not cook or bake something sweet with the cold weather. It goes to show you what a good goal and a little bit of self-control can do. Ayer decidi de que iba a ir todo el dia sin comer ningun dulce. Como saben algunos es uno de mis debilidades mas grandes. Supongo que era para mostrarme a mi mismo, y a mi esposo, que lo podria hacer. Y LO HICE! Y no fue tan dificil como pense. No, no estoy a dieta, pero pienso que especialmente en esta temporada es mas dificil teniendo los dulces de Halloween por toda parte o el deseo de cocinar cosas dulces ya que hace mas frio... Mira lo que puedes hacer con una buena meta y un poco de control.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Birthday and Halloween!

So I know it's a little late, but Happy Birthday to me! I'm so old! Anyway, here we are celebrating at Sizzler. I love their salad bar! Aqui estamos celebrando mis cumpleanos...Estoy VIEJA!!! Fuimos a comer en un restaurante.I love this picture of Rakel! We had some extra time one Sunday morning and decided to do our hair the same. Me encanta esta foto de Rakel. Esa manana teniamos tiempo libre, asi que nos peinamos igual. Here's Raulito!
Rakel is painting the window for Halloween. It was apparently really bright, hence the sunglasses...It turned out pretty cute.
Rakel esta pintando la ventana para halloween. Parece que hacia mucho sol, asi que se puso sus gafas. Salio bonito.
Look, it's Rakel "Supergirl" Garcia, and her sidekick Raulito "Longneck" Garcia!
Miren, es Rakel "Supergirl" Garcia y su ayudante Raulito "cuellolargo" Garcia

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fall is here!

I thought I would share a few of the things that have been happening lately. Last Saturday my sister Shanise came to visit and she helped with the kids and in making applesauce! So we made applesauce between sessions and after conference. After 8 hours of canning, we ended up with 10 quarts and 29 pints of applesauce! And we didn't even make it through all the apples we had picked. By the way, if anyone is in Provo and want some FREE APPLES, you can go to 900 E 200 N. The guys that live there are desperate to get rid of the apples on their trees before they go bad. They even have bags provided! La semana pasada vino Shanise y me ayudo con los ninos mintras haciamos "salsa de manzana." Despues de 8 horas y 2 sessiones de confrencia salimos con 10 quartos y 29 medio-quartos de salsa de manzana. Y ni siquiera terminamos con todas las manzanas que teniamos. Anyway, Rakel had a great time helping, and Raulito was pretty good, considering he picked that day as the first day to not take any nap at all...We found out that he likes to eat straight cinnamin, and that it can cause skin irritation if you eat a lot of it... So Shanise, thanks for your help. By the way, we got some pretty good pictures of you in your zen-like state on the couch, but I won't post them because you might not ever forgive me...LOVE YOU!!!

Rakel disfruto ayudarme con la maquina, y Raulito se porto bien, aunque por primera vez en su vida escogio ese dia para no tomar ninguna siesta...y averiguamos que le gusta comer la canela molida directamente del tarrito...y que eso causa un brote en la piel...Entonces gracias a Shanise por su ayuda!

In other news, Raulito likes to escape out the door whenever he gets a chance. Such was the case one Sunday morning... Do you like his tie??? It's one of Daddy's and the rest of it is tucked into his pants and could come out one of the legs...

En otras noticias, a Raulito le gusta escaparse por la puerta de la casa cuando pueda. Asi fue el caso un domingo por la manana...Te gusta su corbata??? Es del papa, y esta metida en su pantalon hasta su pie! We had a really good day yesterday (Friday). Raul has been bugging me to go up to Provo Canyon to see the autumn leaves. He finally convinced me. I was worried because it was only 40-something degrees outside in the valley, who knew if it wasn't snowing in the mountains... But we all went. We ended up at Sundance resort and decided to go ahead and pay the $16 to go up the ski lift and see the sights. It was worth it! We got to the top and then hiked up to the summit of the mountain (a STRAIGHT UP, 15 min climb). It was incredible! The only thing was that we lost one of the baby's shoes on the lift...and they were my favorites! We would have gone and tried to look for it, but there weren't any trails close to the lift at that point, and it was about half a mile up the mountain...Oh well...Enjoy the pictures! Tuvimos un dia muy bueno ayer (viernes). Raulito por fin me convencio a ir al canyon de Provo a ver los arboles y los colores del otono. Yo estaba un poco preocupada por el frio...pero de todos modos terminamos llendo a un lugar que se llama Sundance que en invierno es un resorte de esquiar. Asi que subimos a la maquina que sube a los esquiadores...aunque nos parecio costoso...hay que hacerlo una vez... Y valio la pena por las vistas! Fueron increibles! Llegamos al final y nos subimos hasta la cima del monte (una subida SUPER inclinada...) Pero otra vez, valio la pena! Lo unico malo es que se le cayo uno de los zapatos del bebe...Y era uno de mis favoritos...Lo ibamos a tratar de buscar despues, pero no habia camino hasta alli y fue como media milla arriba de donde empezamos..asi que no. Esta bien....Que disfrutes las fotos!! Notice the baby still has both shoes at this point... Date cuenta de que el bebe todavia tiene dos zapatos en este momento... He was so tired, he almost fell asleep on the table before we headed down again... Pobrecito, estaba tan cansado que casi se duerme en la mesa antes de bajarnos de nuevo... Don't look down! I normally wouldn't put pictures of me by myself, but I thought this one turned out pretty good! Normalmente no pondria fotos de mi sola, pero creo que esta salio muy buena... AWWWWW!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Rakel's First Day of School!

Well, the day finally came. My baby is starting Preschool! We are so excited! The only thing is that it starts at 8am, so that means no more sleeping in...Oh, well. I got to stay with her for the first day. Rakel really had a good time. She's going to do great!
Decidi que debo escribir en espanol tambien, asi que aqui esta. (perdon la falta de tildes...No se como hacerlo todavia).
Bueno, por fin llego el dia! Mi bebe empezo el preescolar!. Estamos muy emocionados! La unica cosa es que empieza a las 8am...Asi que ya no podemos dormir hasta tarde...Esta bien...Me dejaron quedarme para el primer dia. Rakel se divertio mucho. Creemos que le va a ir super bien!
So here is Rakel outside her classroom door! (Which, by the way, was locked. We apparently got there before the teachers...We were only a few minutes early...) And it was COLD. I, of course, hadn't brought a coat thinking it would warm up... Aqui esta Rakel al frente de su clase. (Lo cual estaba con seguro. Parece que les ganamos a las maestras...Solo llegamos unos minutos temprano...) Y hacia FRIO! Por supuesto, pensando que se calentaria mas, no traje sacos...
Rakel loved the just-her-size sink. She washed her hands about 10 times... Oh, yes, and Raulito really liked school too... The let him stay for today. A Rakel le encanto el lavamanos pequeno. Se lavo las manos como 10 veces. Y a Raulito le gusto tambien. Le dejaron quedarse hoy, asi que penso que ya era parte del grupo y todo...
The Reading area
El area de leer
Playing outside!
Jugando afuera
I couldn't get both of them to look at me at the same time...
No lo podia hacer mirarme los dos a la vez...
Isn't she nice to take her brother for a ride?
Que buena llevando a su hermanito!
They had to line up after play time. Notice Rakel is the only girl...Pobrecita! Fortunately, this is only half of the class, there are more girls. Rakel didn't seem to have a problem with being the only girl today.
Tuvieron que hacer fila despues de jugar afuera. Hazte cuenta que Rakel es la unica nina... Pobrecita!!! Afortunadamente, es solo la mitad de la clase, si hay mas ninas. Parece que a Rakel no le importo ser la unica nina hoy.
She was a bit hesitant to paint her hand...I think she was thinking "is it really ok? Mommy doesn't let me do this at home!" She ended up painting a lot!
Espero un poquito al principio cuando le dijeron que pintara la mano... Parecia pensar "Estara bien? Mi mami no me deja hacer esto en casa!" Pinto mucho!
Singing songs with her teacher
Cantando con la maestra
The Kitchen Area...One of her very favorites!
El area de la cocina. Uno de sus lugares favoritas para jugar!
Yes, and Raulito is helping...
A Raulito le toco jugar tambien...
Computer...She asked if she could play PBS Kids...
So anyway, This turned out to be a really long post, but I wanted to share Rakel's new adventure with everyone!
Salio largo este post, pero queria compartir la nueva aventura de Rakel con todos!